Reading Notes: Robin Hood, Part B

 The story in the second part of this unit that I have chosen to focus my reading notes on is "The Noble Fisherman."

This story is told in the form of a song/poem, if I chose to retell it I would have to maintain that consistency. My reading notes are going to be in the form of describing the information in each stanza as well as the rhyme pattern if there is one. 

Stanza 1: 1232

In the summer the greenery is abundant and this song will be about Robin Hood.

Stanza 2: 1232

Robin Hood was wary of the woods and hunting deer. 

Stanza 3: 1232

The fishermen have a lot of money around here, and the speaker is indeed a fisherman. 

Stanza 4: 1232

Robin Hood told his friends if they have money spend it with him.

Stanza 5: 1232

Robin Hood went to Scarborough goe and stayed at a widowed woman's house. 

Stanza 6: 1232

Someone asked him where he was from and what he does, he said he was a fisherman. 

Stanza 7: 1232

Someone asked him his name and he lied to them about it. 

Stanza 8: 1232

Robin Hood was impressing the widow of the home. 

Stanza 9: 1232

The widow asked him to be her man and brought up her boat as reason to be with her. 

Stanza 10: 1232

He essentially tells her yes and if she "furnishes him" nothing will go wrong.

Stanza 11: 1232

They took the boat and went sailing for a few days.

Stanza 12: 1232

The master of the boat was wary of Robin Hood, known to them as "Simon" and said he is to have no part of the fish they catch.

Stanza 13: 1232

Robin Hood regrets coming if he is not getting fish.

Stanza 14: 1232

I'm honestly not really sure what this stanza is trying to say. 

Stanza 15: 1232

They sailed for a couple more days until Robin Hood saw a ship of warre and he instructed them to sail towards that ship. 

Stanza 16: 1232

The master was afraid the other ship would steal the fish they caught. 

Stanza 17: 1232

Robin Hood told him to give him a bow and he would be able to fend them off.

Stanza 18: 1232

The master of the ship mocks him and says he should just cast Simon overboard instead.

Stanza 19: 1232

Simone (Robin Hood) gets mad at this mockery. He shot the ship-hatch.

Stanza 20: 1232

He boosts his ability to shoot again, challenging to boat master to tie him to the mast and he will spare no Frenchman. 

Stanza 21: 1232

He was successful in taking out the Frenchmen. 

Stanza 22: 1232

He killed them all. 

Stanza 23: 1232

Pretty much a repeat of stanza 20. 

Stanza 24: 1232

They took all the money from the Frenchmans ship.

Stanza 25: 1232

Simon took half of the loot and gave the other half to the rest of the group. 

Stanza 26: 1232

The master gave him his own boat and the hand of the widow. 

Stanza 27: 1232

He gladly takes it and is happy to rest. 

(Robin Hood and guy of Gisborne by Thomas Bewick (1832), Source: Wikimedia)



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