Reading Notes: Robin Hood, Part A
The story in the first part of this unit that I have chosen to focus my reading notes on is "Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham."
This story is told in the form of a song/powm, if I chose to retell it I would have to maintain that consistency. My reading notes are going to be in the form of describing the information in each stanza as well as the rhyme pattern if there is one.
Stanza 1: 123132
Robin Hood is 15 years old, tall, bold, and courageous.
Stanza 2: 1232
Robin Hood went to Nottingham with the general to wine dine and he was wary of the foresters.
Stanza 3: 1232
Robin Hood asks the foresters if there is any news and who would know. He is told that there is a shooting match and he is ready with his bow.
Stanza 4: 1233
The foresters mock him and don't believe he is able to truly operate the bow, much less in front of the king.
Stanza 5: 1234
He makes a bet with the foresters that he can hit a specific target, which was a heart.
Stanza 6: 1234 (note that when paired with stanza 5 the rhyming pattern is 12345234)
The foresters, thinking there is no way he can hit that target, agree to the bet.
Stanza 7: 1232
Robin Hood hit the target with ease.
Stanza 8: 1232
He broke the ribs of the thing he shot with his arrow, there is a dispute whether it's 2 or 3.
Stanza 9: 1232
Robin Hood won the bet and he requests his earnings.
Stanza 10: 1232
The Forresters do not want to pay him and are claiming that the bet was faulty.
Stanza 11: 1232
Robin Hood picked up his bow and arrows and smiled as he went over the plain.
Stanza 12: 1232
Robin Hood used his bow and distance to shoot all of the Forresters.
Stanza 13: 1232 (this one I'm not quite as sure of because they could be using again to rhyme with begin or plain)
This was his first quarrel. He left and took his bow with him.
Stanza 14: 1232
He mocks them for saying he was not an archer, and he shoots another arrow.
Stanza 15: 1232
He then says that he is in fact an archer and mocks them for they now obviously regret such a statement.
Stanza 16: 1232
The people of Nottingham praised Robin Hood for slaying the Forresters.
Stanza 17: 1232
Many people lost limbs, but Robin Hood saved them and took his bow, and went to the merry greenwood.
Stanza 18: 1232
The town buried the Forresters.
"Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham"
Story source: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child (1882-1898).
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